National Junior Angus Show Online Entry Form

Fields indicated with an asterisk(*) are required.

NJAA Online Entry Form Instructions

  • Enter the exhibitor and animal information in the fields below. *Do not use the back button.*
  • An instructional video on properly submitting online entries can be found here .

You will receive a confirmation notification after you have successfully submitted your entries. If you do not receive a confirmation email, your entries have not been submitted. Please contact the Events and Junior Activities Department at 816-383-5100.

Exhibitor Information

* Required for Junior Show Entries

Medical Release Form

Code of Conduct

Payment Information

Billing Information
Credit Card Information
Last 3 or 4 digits on back of card.

Enter Show Animals

  • Select entry type. After the registration number is entered, press tab and the rest of the information should automatically fill in.
    • ‘Bred and owned’ is classified as the exhibitor being the breeder, first owner and continuous owner. Continuous owner meaning, there is no record of transfer, the exhibitor has never come off the paper as an owner.
      • Bred and Owned Bull — Must be a bred and owned bull to compete in the junior show. No owned bulls allowed. Bulls 12 months of age or older must be shown with a nose lead.
      • Bred and Owned Heifer — These animals will show only in the bred and owned division of the junior show, we do not allow b/o heifers to show in the owned heifer category.
    • ‘Owned’ is classified as being listed as an owner of the animal. Even if you are the first owner and continuous owner, and the breeder is another member, it is classified as a ‘owned’ animal.
      • Heifer Owned — If you are not the breeder, and first owner of the animal, select this option to enter in the junior show.
    • Steer — See specific show rules for age classifications.
    • Owned Cow/Calf — Bred and owned cow/calf pairs will show against owned cow/calf pairs and vice versa. All cow/calf pairs need to enter in this category.
    • FOR NJAS Only
      • Owned Cow/Calf — Cow must be owned by the exhibitor at the time of ownership deadline, calf does not have to be bred and owned.
      • Bred and Owned Cow/Calf — Cow and the calf must both be bred and owned by the junior exhibitor.
    • FOR WRJAS and ERJAS only – PGS — Only females are allowed to enter with no specification on bred-and-owned versus owned. All animals must have been genomic tested, with a DNA sample on file with AGI, by ownership deadline. The animal must be tested with Angus GS or HD50K Basic parentage testing does not qualify for this show.
    • FOR NJAS only – PGS — Females and Bulls are allowed to enter the PGS show at NJAS. No specification on bred-and-owned females versus owned. All bulls must be bred and owned. All animals must have been genomic tested with a DNA sample on file with AGI, by ownership deadline. The animal must be tested with Angus GS or HD50K . Basic parentage testing does not qualify for this show.
    • FOR MAJAC only – Crossbred steer — for black-hided, black-haired Angus influenced crossbred steers. The calf must have a solid black main body with no other color behind the shoulder, above the flanks, or breaking the midline behind the shoulder, excluding the tail. The Show Committee will have the final decision.
  • Once animal information is filled out, “Save Animal Info”. You must save animal info even if only one animal will be entered.
  • An instructional video on properly submitting online entries can be found here .
Entry Reg. No. Delete Birth Date Sex Name of Animal Tattoo Reg. No. of Dam Entry Fee
Total Entry fees: $0.00
EID tags are small "button-like" tags that are placed in the ear. Each EID tag has a unique 15-digit number printed on it, and can also be read by scanning the tag with an EID reader.
 * If entering the calf from a cow/calf pair in its own class, you must enter the calf separately and pay an additional entry fee for that animal. Check specific show rules for age requirement on if calf can be shown in separate class.


  • Showmanship is only available to juniors and intermediate with the following age divisions: Junior A (8-10), Junior B (11-13), Intermediate A (14-15), Intermediate B (16-17).
  • You must sign-up prior to the show entry deadline to be eligible for the contest
Have you clicked SAVE ANIMAL INFO button to save your animal info?