AI Certificates Search Page.
The AI Certificates search page returns all available certificates or a specific animal's record. If a registration number is entered your results will be in a format similar to the screen shot below.
AI Certificates Results page.
Each animal's registration number is a link to a detail page, which will show animal and ownership information. Also, a three generation pedigree and table of expected progeny differences is displayed for viewing or printing.
Each animal's registration number in the pedigree is a link to its specific information.
AI Certificates detail page.
Each link after a member is logged in will take you to a separate page of information to view herd records. At the right is a sample of the Registered Herd Inventory page and the EPD Owned animals page. Each page has search criteria to return results per your request. As stated above if you have further questions or comments e-mail the .
Reg. Herd Inv. and EPD owned animals.
Current Calf Inventory menu option contains all reported calves born in the last 3 years (registered and unregistered). Click on the tag to add/edit an animal's tag, click on registration number to view EPD/pedigree or click on AHIR link to view AHIR details.
Current Calf Inventory
ET Authorization Inventory menu option allows member access to view all ET activity by clicking the number under the heading, "Available". To view an animal's pedigree click the sire or donor registration number. If you no longer need any of these Available ET Authorizations, above the results is a link "click here", to remove selected ones from your inventory.
ET Authorization Inventory
AHIR - Work History/Reports menu option allows the member access to various work history reports and AHIR data. Select Weaning, Yearling, Ultrasound or Carcass and the number of years as the criteria from the drop down boxes. Click on a date and the next page will be similiar to the picture below. The reports for each category are listed in the drop down box. The AHIR data is viewable by clicking on the link in the table for each animal.
Work history reports
AHIR - Active Dam List and AHIR - Produce of Dam Report menu options display a breeders active dams. View a group of dams by entering beginning and ending birth dates or a single dam by entering a registration number. The active dam list gives the dam's latest calf and whether the calf has been registered or had AHIR performance data reported. This feature gives the user the opportunity to give a reason/disposal code for their cows that have no calf reported this year. To complete disposing of a dam, a user must complete the checkout process. The Produce of Dam report is a sortable report listing your dams, her number of calves, fertility, weights and ultrasound information. The link on the tag/tattoo takes you to the dam's progeny records.
Produce of Dam report
Owned Progeny of Sire - menu option enables a member to search by sire or sire tag to view owned progeny of that sire. EPD links for sire and dam and AHIR link details information for each animal.
Owned Progeny of Sire
AHIR - Ultrasound Barn Worksheet - Use this option to select animals to print on a barn worksheet for use in recording ultrasound information. Enter the beginning and ending birth dates for the animals you wish to print on the barn worksheet. Choose All Animals or just Bulls or just Cows from the drop-down list box. You can choose to sort by Tattoo or Tag. Once you click the Search button to print the barn worksheet.
USND Barn Worksheet
Pictures on EPD/Pedigree Lookup - Use this option to upload a photo of an animal for display on EPD/Pedigree lookup.
EPD/Pedigree Lookup
Account History - Association - ( Includes the Status of Your Work in the Office ) and Account History - Angus Media menu options allow a user to view in depth details on transactions with the American Angus Association. Click on individual file numbers and details for it will be displayed. If the suspense checkbox is checked or Reason(s) appears under Suspense, the item is being held pending further information. A link to pay your account is available here, also.
Account information
Buyer Contact Info History menu option displays the names and addresses of all customers to whom you transferred cattle in the past five years. If you wish, you may receive this list once a year as printed labels or as an electronic file (for mailing catalogs, newsletters, etc.) by contacting the Member Services department at the AAA office. Prior to your sale or private treaty marketing season, print this list to access these past customers' contact information. To decrease duplication of codes due to naming differences (John Smith, Smith Cattle Co., Smith Ranches, etc.), Please include the customer ID codes (in addition to their name) when transferring registration papers.
Animals Purchased History menu option will display your purchased animals list and Animals Transferred History will list the animals you have transferred.
Buyer Contact Info History
View Recent Orders menu option are orders from your account for the last 6 months. Select the order number link from the grid to view order details or click on the file number to view the status of your order.
View Recent Orders
Cart menu option displays a user's items ready for checkout over a secure internet connection. All items in your cart may seen in a grid view by clicking the link in bold. Items may be de-selected by clicking the checkbox on the left of each row or all will be checked out by clicking the Secure Checkout button at the bottom of the page. Edit/Delete options are available on this page. A checkout process is complete after going through these steps:
  1. The Checkout button displays a page allowing you to change billing/shipping information and to enter a credit card number.
  2. To finalize your order click on the Checkout button and you will be given an order number and e-mailed a confirmation message.
To inquire about a transaction always have your member code and order number accessible.
Your Member Logon Profile Information menu option is a form for updates to be entered. Address, phone and password changes may be made here.
Update Profile